Yes or No, have you thought about your Digital Legacy?
‘My what?’
Your Digital Legacy… All those photos you stored in the cloud, all those Instagram posts, or Facebook. Not to mention your online banking and PayPal accounts, your eBay and Amazon Prime. Your Microsoft 365 and all those other many digital subscriptions, social media, and electronic devices we now use. What happens to them when you are no longer around, or no longer able to take care of them?
Don’t be. Just take steps NOW to make sure that there is someone who is legally able to take care of this for you when you die, or perhaps more importantly, should you no longer have the capacity to do so.
How do you do that?
Well, Think about who you want to trust to look after your digital legacy, then take a look at this website: Digital Legacy Association > They provide a social media will template and in their toolkit section, information on how to deal with your phone, computer, social media and things like a website or blog.
(Please note this website also discusses other end-of-life arrangements such as funerals.)
You could also consider leaving a sealed instruction with a solicitor, containing a list of your accounts and the passwords so that your nominated person can deal with your digital legacy.
Most importantly of all, deal with it NOW. Don’t think this is only for old people either – no matter what your age, if something were to happen to you tomorrow, the likelihood is that you will leave a lot of information about yourself out there and it can only be dealt with if you think about it today.
Your Digital Legacy - How To Plan What Happens When You Die - written for File Genie by Freelance Writer Ruth Raymer @WritingWalking