Laptop & Smartphone Loan
One of the founding ideals of File Genie...
Laptop and smartphone loan was one of the founding ideals of File Genie. File Genie has listened to clients and asked those that are not yet customers “how can we help"? One of the most recurring concerns is that your computer or smartphone may be out of action for a short time and that in this day and age even a short time can be very inconvenient; so much so that it has been seen as better to have a computer that runs slowly (even at a snail’s pace, with all the risks of using a system with viruses on it), than to have no computer at all.
In order to help you, File Genie can now offer one of its courtesy laptops or smartphones for use by clients in the event of a computer or phone needing to be away from you for even a short time, much like when your car needs to go to the garage and they need to keep it for a while they will supply you with a courtesy car. File Gene will offer this service FREE of charge, but will still aim to reunite you with your own computer as soon as possible |