The battery is probably running out much more quickly and you might find your fun running much slower than before.
There are some things you can do if you’re not quite ready to change up your phone:
- Delete apps you don’t use- this will free up vital space on your phone and help speed things up a bit.
- Update your operating system.
- Get rid of live wallpaper- it might look cool but it’s seriously eating into your phone's memory and battery life.
- Remove apps you no longer use.
- If you have an iPhone, turn off Siri. Although Siri’s suggestions can be quite handy it also slows down iPhones, especially older ones.
- Restart your phone- this clears the memory and can fix glitchy apps.
- Clear the cache.
If the above doesn’t help improve the performance of your phone as a last resort you can try a factory reset. Be warned this does wipe everything from your phone so you need to back up all your important data before you perform the reset!
Upgrade Your Smartphone?
If you’ve decided to splash out on a new phone, we highly recommend doing your research first. Check out this handy guide from Which? It covers everything to help you make the best choice for your budget.
In the past, when it came to upgrading your mobile phone there had often been significant improvements in technology that made it tempting to buy a brand-new handset or sign up to a contract to get hold of the latest model. But advancements in smartphones have slowed making the hefty price tag that comes with buying a new model much less enticing. Why would you want to spend £1000 on a new handset that doesn’t offer much more than your current model?
So, if you want an upgrade but you can’t justify buying a new model what options do you have?
Refurbished or Second-Hand Smartphone?
If you have decided not to get a brand-new phone or contract, then you’re probably looking at getting a refurbished or second-hand phone, but which option is best for you? A refurbished phone will have been checked over by professionals to ensure you are getting a phone in good working order and condition.
If you opt for second hand you are taking a bit more of a risk. The warranty will likely have expired and depending on the age of the phone you may not be able to update the operating system to the latest version. Check the phone doesn’t have any accessories missing and that there is no damage to the charging port. Be aware of scams, especially if you are buying on a site such as Facebook Marketplace. If you are in any doubt, walk away.
If you are at all unsure about any of the above procedures or want help choosing a new phone, we highly recommend getting in touch with a File Genie for unbiased advice and support.