With this in mind we have put together 10 questions to help you decide if it’s time to invest in a new computer:
The average lifespan of a computer is 4 years so if your machine is older than that then you might start to see signs of wear and tear. Good general maintenance and cleaning will stretch its lifespan a little but after a certain time it will struggle to keep up and you will need to replace it.
Have you maintained your computer?
If you’ve neglected to keep on top of the maintenance and cleaning side of things with your computer then this will definitely reduce its life. Dust builds up on the components and fan can cause overheating which will damage the computer so always try to keep your computer clean and dust free.
Is the fan working overtime?
While a bit of heat is normal when the computer is running, significant heat and a very noisy fan indicate the computer is overheating. This could be another sign you need to look for a replacement machine.
Can you update it to the latest operating system?
If your computer can’t support the latest operating system then you could be in for trouble- new software will often not support older operating systems.
Is it running out of memory?
If you're having issues such as not being able to run two applications at the same time or your computer is sluggish and constantly crashes then you might find your computer doesn’t have enough RAM or is running out of room in the hard drive. Upgrading to more RAM or switching out the hard drive can remedy this but it might only be a temporary fix if the machine is old.
Is it slow to start up and shut down?
Another sign it might be time for an upgrade is if it’s taking an age to boot up or shut down your machine. Over time, computers slow down and while you might be able to improve some issues with some general maintenance or upgrading the hard drive to an SSD if the computer is too old then it is probably time to replace it.
Can it run the latest software programmes?
If your computer can’t run new software then that is a warning sign that it is too old and needs updating. Anti virus software providers often stop supporting older versions of your PC leaving you vulnerable to viruses and malware.
Is it reliable?
If you can’t rely on your computer to handle the day to day tasks then it sounds like you should be looking to replace it. Of course, there may be an easy solution that a computer specialist would be able to remedy but if it is costing you time and money then it might be worth upgrading to a newer model.
Would it cost more to upgrade or repair than to replace?
If the cost to repair or upgrade would be more than a new machine then the only right answer is to replace the computer. A new computer should be seen as an investment for your business and don’t forget it is a genuine business expense.
Never underestimate the value of a reliable computer for your business - if a new PC will cost slightly more than an upgrade but will save you time and mean you can get back to work quicker then it is worth taking into account when deciding whether to repair or replace.
File genie can help with any concerns you have with your PC and can advise on maintenance, cleaning and antivirus protection.
Contact Ben for further help.