File Genie has put together a list of practical safety tips to help ensure your devices are safe and secure:
- Check your laptop lead or plug isn’t damaged- a damaged lead or plug can not only cause issues with the system’s battery due to intermittent charging but more importantly it can be a fire risk. Thankfully it’s easy to fix or replace but you should contact a professional for further advice and replacement parts.
- Clean your Laptop/Desktop and Smartphone- If you allow dust to build up on the air vents, fan, or RAM and hard drive it can cause your device to overheat which could result in damaged components. Periodically dust all air vents on PC’s and laptops (it’s slightly more difficult to clean laptop air vents so consult a professional if you need help or advice). Clean smartphones and tablets to help keep them running smoothly.
- Ensure you have a pin lock or fingerprint/face recognition activated- If your device gets stolen the thief has access to all your data (think passwords, emails, bank details) so you want to make your device as impenetrable as possible, fingerprint recognition and face recognition along with PIN codes can help prevent sensitive data being accessed and misused. Download and activate ‘Find My Phone’ for real-time location updates if your phone is lost or stolen.
- Add a case to your smartphone- one of our most requested jobs is repairing cracked screens. A case will help minimise the risk of the phone getting broken if it is dropped. You can also add a screen protector that can just be replaced when needed. Keep your phone in a safe place at all times, away from vehicles and bathrooms!
- Do not switch on a phone that has come into contact with water- unless your phone is waterproof one of the worst things you can do if your phone gets wet is to switch it on. Get it out of the water as quickly as possible and remove the case, sim and battery before carefully drying it off. Putting the device in a bowl of rice can help soak up any residual moisture but it will take at least 12 hours.
- Do not overcharge your laptop- many people keep their laptop plugged into the charger even when the battery is fully-charged but this can cause overheating and could actually reduce battery life.
Taking care of your devices will save you money so it’s worth investing a little time to make sure they are clean, secure and well maintained. You should periodically check all your devices and contact your trusted computer repair business if you need any help!